Diamonds, as a certain Hollywood blonde bombshell reminded us, are a girl's best friend. But why is it that so many of us always associate diamond giving as something reserved for the momentous moment when one presents - or is presented with - an engagement ring? Diamonds should be gifted for so many other reasons - and on many other occasions, than just when a question is popped.

Take, for example, Mother's Day. It's coming up. Fast. What are you getting for your mother this year? You know, that person who birthed you, fed you, changed your nappies, raised you and still looks after you whenever you need it? Are (half-dead) flowers really all she deserves?

This Mother's Day why not give your Mum something really special, and give her the gift of diamond jewelry, for any of these very good reasons:

The Wow Factor

Flowers are nice, chocolates are nice too, but neither of them lasts more than a few days. Teddy bears and the like the last longer, but you're a grown-up now, it's time to do things differently. Giving your Mother a diamond will carry with it a wow factor she won't soon forget and it's highly unlikely that it will be consigned to a carrier bag in an attic in the way that all those Mother's Day teddy bears often are...

Personalized Gone Large


Personalization is big around Mother's Day. Cards with your Mum's name on, wine glasses with your picture on. You can personalize a diamond gift too though. How about having something engraved that's meaningful to you both? Or really going big and working with a jeweler - as you can with Astteria to find a one-off piece for Mum that's truly bespoke or even designing a piece yourself?

It Will Fit

Buying your Mum clothes for Mother's Day is a dangerous game. If they don't fit (especially if they are too small) or are really not to her taste, the whole day can turn sour pretty quickly. One thing you can be sure of is that diamonds never go out of style and they will always fit (although a ring might need a bit of adjustment, but a good jeweler can do that in a flash.)

You Don't Have to Do Diamonds

Shopping with Astteria Diamonds gives you access to more than just diamonds, whatever our name might seem to suggest. We also offer a wide range of stunning gemstone jewelry that may better suit your Mum's tastes.

color diamond

From stunning sapphires to ravishing rubies, enchanting emeralds and other, less well known, but equally beautiful, gemstones like pink morganite and blue tourmaline we offer something for everyone, in rings, earrings, necklaces and more.

She Deserves Diamonds

Mums do a lot for us. More than we ever realize most of the time when we are kids. A lot of the time it's not until we have children of our own that we really appreciate what a tough job being a parent is, and that raising us was not an easy job for sure. And while we guarantee that your Mum loved all the Mother's Day cards and gifts you made her when you were small (and probably still has them somewhere) now that you are a grown-up with a job (thanks to her care) why not give her a gift she's always deserved?


You Love Her

Maybe the best reason to treat your Mum to diamond or gemstone jewelry this Mother's Day is that she was the first woman in your life, the reason you actually made it to adulthood and well, you love her. As adults, lots of us have trouble putting that into words though, because it seems a bit silly and childish (it's not, but that's how a lot of us think.) The gift of fine jewelry speaks volumes by itself though, without you having to say a word.